Our Family Ministry Committee is our newest formed committee in our Little River UMC congregation and is made up of individuals throughout different stages of life who have a passion and call to CONNECT God’s families with opportunities to deepen their own faith walk.


Through events, Sunday School, small group outreach, mission, and discipleship opportunities this group of faithful individuals consistently pray for the families in our community and those a part of our Little River UMC Church family. We are actively looking for new ways to CONNECT with our community, offer opportunities for families to GROW in their discipleship and faith journey, and SERVE those who are in our congregation and those who God is leading us to grow in relationship with.


If you would like to join us in this mission, have additional questions about the Family Ministry (RiverKids & Family Ministry) at Little River UMC, or would like to connect with us, please indicate so on the following form.

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