Music ministry
Director: Kelly Campman
Music is a vital part of our Christian history and our faithful worship at Little River UMC. Through different ways we embody our faith in music, our music ministry CONNECTS and SERVES our congregation and community. Our Music Ministry is led by Kelly Campman, and includes:
· Traditional Choir | Joyful Noise (8:30 a.m. Service) & Sanctuary Choir (11:00 a.m. Service)
· Contemporary Praise Band | Kelly and the River Band
· Handbell Choir | Sounds of Joy Handbell Choir
Throughout the year, these different music ministries add depth to and assist in leading our Sunday worship services, special worship events, and provide a foundation of praise throughout the year. Recently, our praise band Kelly and the River Band, released an album that furthers the worship and praise of Christ into our community. Visit Kelly and the River Band or any digital music store to purchase their great album.
If you would like to be involved or find out more about our Music Ministry please complete the following form.