In the United Methodist Church those who are not identified as pastor/clergy staff are often referred to as lay persons or laity. We recognize as United Methodist that all are called with the gifts and skills to faithfully follow the path that God has for our lives. As the Apostle Paul reminds the church of Rome in the Epistle to the Romans, all are called to ministry who believe in God and are a part of the priesthood of all believers. As such, those who are called to be laity in the local church also have a role in the furthering of God’s kingdom on Earth.


Lay Leadership is a furthering of the call of a lay member, to engage in study and development of self to GROW the individual’s faith and skills, in order to be available to assist in the workings of the church at an advance level. Those who serve in this vital ministry at Little River UMC and in the greater United Methodist Church are tasked with course work and evaluation that affirm through the denominational practices their ability and call from God to Lay Leadership.





























If you believe you are called to Lay Leadership, would like to speak with one of our pastors, or would like more information please indicate so on the following form.

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