Children’s Church School/River Kids
RiverKids (K-5th Grade)
9:00am Check-In Opens (Stations Located in the Life Center Lobby and Preschool Entrance)
9:30am RiverKids in Worship (Life Center)
9:45am RiverKids Worship (after the Children’s Sermon in the 9:30 service)
10:45am Check-Out (Room 111)
Lil’ River Kids (0-5 years)
8:15am Check-In Opens (Stations Located in the Life Center Lobby and Preschool Entrance)
9:30am Lil’ RiverKids Worship (Music and lesson during the 9:30 service)
12:00pm Preschool Area Closes
Our Heart
Our children’s and family ministries exists to create spaces of wonder, awareness, connection, and justice that stimulates a big/great heart for God. We accomplish this through:
Partnering with Parents and the Local Community
Celebrating Curiosity
Creative and Inclusive Teaching Methods
Serving Together
Leadership Development
Children’s and Family Ministries
Little River United Methodist Church
Church Office – 843.249.2329
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